Thank you for showing the Anni Albers triangles - amazing work and yes, great quilt potential. Enjoying your exploration of pattern.

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Thank you for this article ❤️ I learned that Albers typically avoided triangles on the loom out of principle. To her, the perpendicular matrix was the very stuff of weaving. (The only exceptions I have seen thus far being inlays with reference to ancient South American architecture.) It is my favourite fact of Albers, that her triangle era started only because she shifted mediums.

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Ah, that's fascinating! I'm always so intruiged by these examples of how the choice of media can affect the way we make art. Thanks for sharing. 😊

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“Illusion of randomness” is a great concept. We have to go beneath the surface to appreciate the effort it takes to simplify or make something seem effortlessly random

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